$Id$ The asdcplib library is a set of objects that offer simplified access to files conforming to the sound and picture track file formats developed by the SMPTE Working Group DC28.20 (now TC 21DC). Recently, support has also been added for SMPTE draft ST 2067-5 "IMF Essence Component", AKA "AS-02". This code was donated by Fraunhofer IIS. It carries additional copyright information which should be listed whenever you link the AS-02 elements of the library. Please look at the top of the AS-02 files to see this copyright information. AS-02 support is carried in separate object modules, so unless you #include and link libas-02.so you are still using plain old asdcp. This work was originally funded by Digital Cinema Initiatives, LLC (DCI). Subsequent efforts have been funded by Deluxe Laboratories, Doremi Labs, CineCert LLC, Avica Technology and others. **The asdcplib project was originally housed on SourceForge. The project has moved to http://www.cinecert.com/asdcplib/ The project formerly depended upon the mxflib project. Because of its focus on covering the whole of the MXF specifications, mxflib is considerably larger and more complex that what I require for this application. For this reason I have created a dedicated MXF implementation that is now part of this library. Special thanks to Matt Beard and Oliver Morgan for their great work and support. Thanks also to the members of the SMPTE DC28.20 packaging ad-hoc group and the members of the MXF Interop Initiative for their encouragement and support. Special thanks to Jim Whittlesey and Howard Lukk at DCI for proposing and supporting this project. Design Notes This library is intended (but of course not limited) for use by developers of commercial D-Cinema products (and now IMF!). It is designed to be easily integrated into a wide variety of development environments. Commercial users are strongly urged to use static linking (at least where you use this library) to prevent malicious in-field replacement of critical system modules. This recommendation should be considered wherever Open Source or Free software is being used in conjunction with critical security parameters, such as cryptographic keys. The author strives mightily to provide an API that is completely independent of operating system and other library dependencies, and which allows selective replacement of some modules for local needs. Specifically, the essence parsers and OpenSSL crypto functions can be replaced by linking to alternative implementations of the ASDCP:: objects which provide those services. AS_DCP.h contains the entire AS-DCP API. You do not need to read any of the other files, except maybe asdcp-test.cpp which contains detailed usage examples of each of the API's services. The KM_* files may be of interest for general development support, but may be ignored if all you want is simple AS-DCP support. Likewise, draft 2067-5 "IMF Essence Component" (AS-02) support is entirely contained in AS-02.h Build Instructions On more-or-less POSIX systems (OS X, Linux, and BSD), GNU make and autotools are required to build asdcplib. The same configure script will also build this package on Windows machines with Cygwin and MinGW installed. For those Windows users who would prefer to build this natively, an "nmake" build file and instructions can be found in the win32 subdirectory. OpenSSL is also required, any recent version should be fine. See http://www.openssl.org/ for more information and download instructions. Optional support for writing Timed Text Track Files is supported by either Xerces-C or Expat. See http://xerces.apache.org/xerces-c/ or http://expat.sourceforge.net/ for source and build instructions. To configure and build, type './configure' followed by 'make'. There are several test targets on the POSIX side, but you need to assemble a set of test files to use them. AS-02 support can be enabled with --enable-as-02. I have tested this build on win32, Linux, OpenBSD, and Darwin platforms. Others may work as well. Utilities asdcp-test - Writes, reads and verifies AS-DCP (MXF) track files. asdcp-wrap - Writes AS-DCP (MXF) track files. asdcp-unwrap - Extracts essence from AS-DCP (MXF) track files. asdcp-info - Displays information about AS-DCP (MXF) track files. asdcp-util - Calculates digests and generates random numbers and UUIDs. as-02-wrap - Writes AS-02 Essence Component files. as-02-unwrap - Extracts essence from AS-02 Essence Component files. kmfilegen - Writes and verifies large files using a platform- independent format. Use it to test issues related to large files. kmuuidgen, kmrandgen - generate UUID values and random numbers. wavesplit - Splits a WAVE file into two or more output files. Used to untangle incorrectly-paired DCDM sound files. blackwave - Write a WAVE file full of zeros, Used to make filler tracks (though you would be better off modifying asdcp-test if this is a common use case). j2c-test - Displays information about JP2K codestreams. Experimental feature: Prototype for High Dynamic Range is a wrapper for the IMF application that allows JPEG-2000 codestreams to be paired with opaque blobs of metadata. AS-02 support must be enabled to build this feature, so --enable-as-02 must be enabled if --enable-phdr is to be used. The following executable programs will be built: phdr-wrap - Writes AS-02 PHDR Essence Component files. phdr-unwrap - Extracts essence from AS-02 PHDR Essence Component files. Documentation The API documentation is mostly in AS_DCP.h. and AS_02.h Read those files for a detailed description of the library's capabilities. Read asdcp-*.cpp and as-02-*.cpp files for library usage examples. The command-line utilities all respond to -h. Change History 2016-05-06 - bug fixes, 2.5.13 o Release 2.5.12 caused two problems with Atoms and DTS-X wrapping that are addressed by this release. The UL values that were changed to correct the DCData (ST 429-14) implementation had two unintended side-effects: 1. v2.5.12 cannot read old DCData (and thus DTS-X) track files 2. v2.5.12 creates broken Atmos track files (incorrect ULs) The fix for this involved the following changes: 1. ASDCP::DCData::(MXFReader|MXFWriter) are no longer base classes of ASDCP::ATMOS::(MXFReader|MXFWriter). 2. New UL values have been added to carry the original Atoms UL values: a. DolbyAtmosDCDataWrappingFrame b. DolbyAtmosDCDataEssence c. DolbyAtmosDCDataDescriptor 3. ASDCP::ATMOS::(MXFReader|MXFWriter) have been modified to use the DolbyAtmosDCData* UL values. 4. ASDCP::DCData::MXFReader will parse files having either DCData* or DolbyAtmosDCData* UL values. 5. ASDCP::DCData:: MXFWriter continues to use DCData* UL values from ST 429-14 o Some optional parameters of the MXF metadata packs were being erroneously initialized with a value of zero (0), such as GenericPictureEssenceDescriptor ::SignalStandard, GenericPictureEssenceDescriptor::SampledXOffset(0), etc. o Added higher edit rates (96, 100, 120) to the cinema TimedText_Parser o New files: src/info.in o Removed files: AS_DCP_DCData_internal.h 2016-03-17 - bug fixes, 2.5.12 o Changed default UNIX file permissions to "666" o Changed default UNIX file permissions to "777" o Added missing initializer for caltime::offset o Fixed UL values for Aux Data files (per ST 429-14) o Added support for default TTML fonts (ST2052_TextParser) o Added Solaris patch to KM_fileio (Thanks Mikey!) o Fixed the version byte in UL DataEssenceCoding o Fixed duplicate linkage error for symbol MIME2str o Big patch from Wolfgang Ruppel: o Corrected erroneous fixed-tag values in ActiveHeight, ActiveWidth, ActiveXOffset, ActiveYOffset UL definitions. o Provided a stub implementation for Kumu::DirScannerEx (A real implementation will follow soon.) o Added as-02-info program o Added Seek() method to PCM parsers o Added CMakeLists.txt 2015-11-10 - bug fixes, IMF text, pink noise, 2.5.11 o I moved personal dev environment from older gcc to newer clang. Many small changes were made to satisfy the new compiler: - Altered many printf format codes to use the correct format for the given integer type. - Parenthesized some expressions to clarify previously ambiguous expectation about precedence. - Created macro KM_MACOSX for use in OS-specific code selection. - Removed last uses of the old C-language abs(), now using Kumu::xabs(). - Removed last uses of the old C-language atoi(), not using strtol(). o Added platform-independent call Kumu::GetExecutablePath() (to be tested on win32). o Added new capabilities to Result_t. o Added imlementation of SMPTE ST 2092-1 pink noise generator. o Added pinkwave CLI utility. o Added font support to the IMF timed-text wrapper. o Fixed a bug that was causing Array properties to be written without the (count, length) header (from PAL). o General review of Batch/Array distinction throughout the project. o Cleaned up definitions of optional properties in all MXF metadata packs. o Fixed Win32 build (from Crowe). o Fixed a bug that caused incorrect failure when parsing JPEG 2000 codestreams having fewer than five decomposition levels. (from Korneder). o Fixed missing UUID generation in some instances of the MCALinkID property. o Added -w option to asdcp-wrap to support use of WTF label with MCA. o Altered asdcp-wrap to recognize "-C