RtAudio Bug Tracker

"Bugs" are considered to be problems that cause program crashes or unpredictable results. Incomplete or unavailable features are tracked as updates.

Reported (Unconfirmed) Bugs:

13.03CoreAudioDo we need a run-time test for endianness given the new Intel Macs?Not yet tested (GS)

Confirmed Bugs (Unfixed):


Fixed Bugs:

14.0Windows DSMemory allocation bug in device querying
24.0All unicesDefault pthread scheduling priority changed to SCHED_RR when defined
34.0ALSAChanged sample rate setting to use snd_pcm_hw_params_set_rate_near() function
44.0CoreAudioRtAudio checks a device's internal data format and sets it to the highest allowable bit rate. For some stupid devices, like the Griffin iMic, the default format is 8-bit mono when the requested format and number of channels does not exist. So, we need to query the device's capabilities using the kAudioStreamPropertyPhysicalFormats selector - i.e. ask a device for all of the channels/format/rate combination that it supports - and then enumerate through them to pick the best one.