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RtAudio is a set of C++ classes that provide a common API (Application Programming Interface) for realtime audio input/output across Linux, Macintosh OS-X and Windows (DirectSound and ASIO) operating systems. RtAudio significantly simplifies the process of interacting with computer audio hardware. It was designed with the following objectives:

RtAudio incorporates the concept of audio streams, which represent audio output (playback) and/or input (recording). Available audio devices and their capabilities can be enumerated and then specified when opening a stream. Where applicable, multiple API support can be compiled and a particular API specified when creating an RtAudio instance. See the API Notes section for information specific to each of the supported audio APIs.

What's New (Version 4.0)

RtAudio V4 represents a significant rewrite of the code and includes a number of API and functionality changes form previous versions. A partial list of the changes includes:

Devices are now re-enumerated every time the RtAudio::getDeviceCount(), RtAudio::getDeviceInfo(), and RtAudio::openStream() functions are called. This allows for the proper identification of hot-pluggable (USB, Firewire, ...) devices while a given RtAudio instance exists.


Latest Release (21 August 2007): Version 4.0.2

Documentation Links

  1. Error Handling
  2. Probing Device Capabilities
  3. Device Settings
  4. Playback
  5. Recording
  6. Duplex Mode
  7. Using Simultaneous Multiple APIs
  8. Debugging & Compiling
  9. API Notes
  10. Acknowledgements
  11. License
  12. Bug Tracker
  13. Possible Updates
  14. RtAudio at SourceForge

©2001-2007 Gary P. Scavone, McGill University. All Rights Reserved.
Maintained by Gary P. Scavone.