/*! @mainpage libdcp libdcp is a small library to create and read Digital Cinema Packages (DCPs) from JPEG2000 and WAV files. Most of the hard work is done by a (slightly patched) version of asdcplib (http://www.cinecert.com/asdcplib/) which is included in the source distribution for libdcp. libdcp is distributed under the GNU GPL. Creating DCPs -- Typical use for creating DCPs might be: @code #include using namespace std; libdcp::DCP dcp ("My Film DCP", "My Film", libdcp::DCP::FEATURE, 24, 50000); vector j2k_files; j2k_files.push_back ("1.j2c"); ... j2k_files.push_back ("50000.j2c"); // These images are 1998x1080 pixels (DCI Flat) dcp.add_picture_asset (j2k_files, 1998, 1080); vector wav_files; wav_files.push_back ("L.wav"); wav_files.push_back ("R.wav"); wav_files.push_back ("C.wav"); wav_files.push_back ("Lfe.wav"); wav_files.push_back ("Ls.wav"); wav_files.push_back ("Rs.wav"); dcp.add_sound_asset (wav_files); dcp.write_xml (); @endcode This will create a DCP at 24 frames per second with 50000 frames, writing data to a directory "My Film DCP", naming the DCP "My Film" and marking as a Feature. We then add the picture and sound files (which creates MXF files inside the DCP directory) and then write the required XML files. If you want to report progress for long jobs (add_picture_asset() can take a long time, in particular, as it must do a lot of disk I/O for large DCPs), connect to the libdcp::DCP::Progress signal and report its parameter to the user (it will range between 0 for 0% and 1 for 100%) using something like @code void report (float p) { cout << "We are " << int (p * 100) << "% done.\n"; } dcp.Progress.connect (sigc::ptr_fun (&report)); @endcode If you can generate content paths algorithmically, you may prefer to do something like this: @code string j2k_path (int frame) { stringstream s; s << "my_j2ks/" << frame << ".j2c" return s.str (); } string wav_path (libdcp::Channel channel) { switch (channel) { case LEFT: return "left.wav"; case RIGHT: return "right.wav"; } return ""; } ... // Our images are 1998x1080 (DCI Flat) dcp.add_picture_asset (sigc::ptr_fun (&j2k_path), 1998, 1080); // We have two sound channels dcp.add_sound_asset (sigc::ptr_fun (&wav_path), 2); ... @endcode Reading existing DCPs -- Alternatively libdcp can be used to read existing DCPs and examine their content. You might do @code #include using namespace std; libdcp::DCP dcp ("some-DCP-directory"); @endcode libdcp will look at the XML files that make up the DCP and find its assets. You can then do things like @code boost::shared_ptr reel = dcp.reels.front (); boost::shared_ptr p = reel->main_picture (); boost::shared_ptr mp = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast (p); boost::shared_ptr f = mp->get_frame(42)->argb_frame (); uint8_t* data = f->data (); int size = f->size (); @endcode This will extract the image of frame 42 from the first reel of the DCP and make its ARGB data available for examination. We have to do a dynamic_pointer_cast from libdcp::PictureAsset to libdcp::MonoPictureAsset, as the picture asset may be either 2D (monoscopic) or 3D (stereoscopic). Audio data is accessed in chunks equal in length to the duration of a video frame. To get the audio that accompanies frame 66, you can do @code boost::shared_ptr s = reel->main_sound (); cout << "Sound has " << s->channels() << " channels at " << s->sampling_rate() << "Hz\n"; boost::shared_ptr f = s->get_frame(66); uint8_t* data = f->data (); int size = f->size (); @endcode The returned data are interleaved 24-bit samples, so that @code int left = data[0] | (data[1] << 8) | (data[2] << 16); data += 3; int right = data[0] | (data[1] << 8) | (data[2] << 16); data += 3; int centre = data[0] | (data[1] << 8) | (data[2] << 16); data += 3; int lfe = data[0] | (data[1] << 8) | (data[2] << 16); data += 3; int ls = data[0] | (data[1] << 8) | (data[2] << 16); data += 3; int rs = data[0] | (data[1] << 8) | (data[2] << 16); data += 3; @endcode would obtain the first sample from each of the 6 channels for that frame. Subtitles can be read using code like @code boost::shared_ptr s = dcp.subtitle_asset (); list > texts = s->subtitles_at (libdcp::Time (0, 3, 2, 5)); @endcode This returns the subtitles that should be shown at 3 minutes, 2 seconds, 5 ticks (where 1 tick is 4ms) into the DCP. */