import subprocess import os import lut APPNAME = 'libdcp' VERSION = '0.36pre' def options(opt): opt.load('compiler_cxx') opt.add_option('--target-windows', action='store_true', default = False, help = 'set up to do a cross-compile to Windows') opt.add_option('--enable-debug', action='store_true', default = False, help = 'build with debugging information and without optimisation') opt.add_option('--static-openjpeg', action='store_true', default = False, help = 'link statically to openjpeg') opt.add_option('--static-libdcp', action='store_true', default = False, help = 'build libdcp and in-tree dependencies statically') def configure(conf): conf.load('compiler_cxx') conf.env.append_value('CXXFLAGS', ['-Wall', '-Wextra', '-Wno-unused-result', '-O2', '-D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64']) conf.env.append_value('CXXFLAGS', ['-DLIBDCP_VERSION="%s"' % VERSION]) conf.env.TARGET_WINDOWS = conf.options.target_windows conf.env.STATIC_OPENJPEG = conf.options.static_openjpeg conf.env.STATIC_LIBDCP = conf.options.static_libdcp if conf.options.target_windows: conf.env.append_value('CXXFLAGS', '-DLIBDCP_WINDOWS') else: conf.env.append_value('CXXFLAGS', '-DLIBDCP_POSIX') conf.check_cfg(package = 'openssl', args = '--cflags --libs', uselib_store = 'OPENSSL', mandatory = True) conf.check_cfg(package = 'libxml++-2.6', args = '--cflags --libs', uselib_store = 'LIBXML++', mandatory = True) openjpeg_fragment = """ #include \n #include \n int main () {\n void* p = (void *) opj_image_create;\n return 0;\n } """ if conf.options.static_openjpeg: conf.check_cc(fragment = openjpeg_fragment, msg = 'Checking for library openjpeg', stlib = 'openjpeg', uselib_store = 'OPENJPEG') else: conf.check_cc(fragment = openjpeg_fragment, msg = 'Checking for library openjpeg', lib = 'openjpeg', uselib_store = 'OPENJPEG') if conf.options.target_windows: boost_lib_suffix = '-mt' else: boost_lib_suffix = '' if conf.options.enable_debug: conf.env.append_value('CXXFLAGS', '-g') else: # Somewhat experimental use of -O2 rather than -O3 to see if # Windows builds are any more reliable conf.env.append_value('CXXFLAGS', '-O2') conf.check_cxx(fragment = """ #include \n int main() { boost::filesystem::copy_file ("a", "b"); }\n """, msg = 'Checking for boost filesystem library', libpath = '/usr/local/lib', lib = ['boost_filesystem%s' % boost_lib_suffix, 'boost_system%s' % boost_lib_suffix], uselib_store = 'BOOST_FILESYSTEM') conf.check_cxx(fragment = """ #include \n int main() { boost::signals2::signal x; }\n """, msg = 'Checking for boost signals2 library', uselib_store = 'BOOST_SIGNALS2') lut.make_luts() conf.recurse('test') conf.recurse('asdcplib') def build(bld): create_version_cc(VERSION) if bld.env.TARGET_WINDOWS: boost_lib_suffix = '-mt' else: boost_lib_suffix = '' bld(source = '', version = VERSION, includedir = '%s/include' % bld.env.PREFIX, libs = "-L${libdir} -ldcp -lasdcp-libdcp -lkumu-libdcp -lboost_system%s" % boost_lib_suffix, install_path = '${LIBDIR}/pkgconfig') bld.recurse('src') bld.recurse('tools') bld.recurse('test') bld.recurse('asdcplib') bld.recurse('examples') bld.add_post_fun(post) def dist(ctx): ctx.excl = 'TODO core *~ .git build .waf* .lock* doc/*~ src/*~ test/ref/*~ __pycache__' def create_version_cc(version): if os.path.exists('.git'): cmd = "LANG= git log --abbrev HEAD^..HEAD ." output = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0].splitlines() o = output[0].decode('utf-8') commit = o.replace ("commit ", "")[0:10] else: commit = "release" try: text = '#include "version.h"\n' text += 'char const * libdcp::git_commit = \"%s\";\n' % commit text += 'char const * libdcp::version = \"%s\";\n' % version print('Writing version information to src/') o = open('src/', 'w') o.write(text) o.close() except IOError: print('Could not open src/ for writing\n') sys.exit(-1) def post(ctx): if ctx.cmd == 'install': ctx.exec_command('/sbin/ldconfig')