APPNAME = 'libcxml' VERSION = '0.03pre' def options(opt): opt.load('compiler_cxx') opt.add_option('--target-windows', action='store_true', default = False, help = 'set up to do a cross-compile to Windows') def configure(conf): conf.load('compiler_cxx') conf.env.append_value('CXXFLAGS', ['-Wall', '-Wextra', '-O2']) conf.env.TARGET_WINDOWS = conf.options.target_windows if conf.options.target_windows: boost_lib_suffix = '-mt' else: boost_lib_suffix = '' conf.check_cfg(package = 'libxml++-2.6', args = '--cflags --libs', uselib_store = 'LIBXML++', mandatory = True) conf.check_cxx(fragment = """ #include \n int main() { boost::filesystem::copy_file ("a", "b"); }\n """, msg = 'Checking for boost filesystem library', libpath = '/usr/local/lib', lib = ['boost_filesystem%s' % boost_lib_suffix, 'boost_system%s' % boost_lib_suffix], uselib_store = 'BOOST_FILESYSTEM') conf.recurse('test') def build(bld): bld(source = '', version = VERSION, includedir = '%s/include' % bld.env.PREFIX, libs = "-L${libdir} -lcxml", install_path = '${LIBDIR}/pkgconfig') bld.recurse('src') bld.recurse('test')