set_dirty (true);
+ /* Find Atmos boundaries */
+ std::set<dcpomatic::DCPTime> atmos_boundaries;
+ for (auto i: content()) {
+ if (i->atmos) {
+ atmos_boundaries.insert(i->position());
+ atmos_boundaries.insert(i->end(shared_from_this()));
+ }
+ }
+ /* Find reel boundaries */
+ vector<dcpomatic::DCPTime> reel_boundaries;
+ bool first = true;
+ for (auto period: reels()) {
+ if (first) {
+ reel_boundaries.push_back(period.from);
+ first = false;
+ }
+ reel_boundaries.push_back(;
+ }
+ /* There must be a reel boundary at all the Atmos boundaries */
+ auto remake_boundaries = std::any_of(atmos_boundaries.begin(), atmos_boundaries.end(), [&reel_boundaries](dcpomatic::DCPTime time) {
+ return std::find(reel_boundaries.begin(), reel_boundaries.end(), time) == reel_boundaries.end();
+ });
+ if (remake_boundaries) {
+ vector<dcpomatic::DCPTime> required_boundaries;
+ std::copy_if(atmos_boundaries.begin(), atmos_boundaries.end(), std::back_inserter(required_boundaries), [this](dcpomatic::DCPTime time) {
+ return time.get() != 0 && time != length();
+ });
+ if (!required_boundaries.empty()) {
+ set_reel_type(ReelType::CUSTOM);
+ set_custom_reel_boundaries(required_boundaries);
+ } else {
+ set_reel_type(ReelType::SINGLE);
+ }
+ Message(variant::insert_dcpomatic("%1 had to change your reel settings to accomodate the Atmos content"));
+ }
/** Check for (and if necessary fix) impossible settings combinations, like
* video set to being referenced when it can't be.
void maybe_set_container_and_resolution ();
void set_dirty (bool dirty);
void write_ui_state() const;
+ void check_reel_boundaries_for_atmos();
/** Log to write to */
std::shared_ptr<Log> _log;
#include "lib/make_dcp.h"
#include "lib/ratio.h"
#include "lib/string_text_file_content.h"
+#include "lib/variant.h"
#include "lib/video_content.h"
#include "test.h"
#include <dcp/cpl.h>
#include <dcp/reel.h>
+#include <dcp/reel_atmos_asset.h>
#include <dcp/reel_picture_asset.h>
#include <dcp/reel_sound_asset.h>
#include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(cpl->reels()[i]->main_sound()->id(), sound->id());
+/** Check that reel lengths are adapted to cope with Atmos content, as I don't know how to fill gaps with Atmos silence */
+ auto atmos = content_factory("test/data/atmos_0.mxf")[0];
+ auto film = new_test_film("reel_assets_same_length_with_atmos", { atmos });
+ vector<string> messages;
+ film->Message.connect([&messages](string message) {
+ messages.push_back(message);
+ });
+ auto picture = content_factory("test/data/flat_red.png")[0];
+ film->examine_and_add_content(picture);
+ wait_for_jobs();
+ picture->video->set_length(480);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(messages.size(), 1U);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(messages[0], variant::insert_dcpomatic("%1 had to change your reel settings to accomodate the Atmos content"));
+ auto const reels = film->reels();
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(reels.size(), 2U);
+ BOOST_CHECK(reels[0] == dcpomatic::DCPTimePeriod({}, dcpomatic::DCPTime::from_frames(240, 24)));
+ BOOST_CHECK(reels[1] == dcpomatic::DCPTimePeriod(dcpomatic::DCPTime::from_frames(240, 24), dcpomatic::DCPTime::from_frames(480, 24)));
+ make_and_verify_dcp(film, { dcp::VerificationNote::Code::MISSING_CPL_METADATA });