supported_by.Add (wxT ("Nick Manting-Brewer"));
supported_by.Add (wxT ("Marc Levy from The Marcs"));
supported_by.Add (wxT ("Job, Joris && Marieke"));
+supported_by.Add (wxT ("Alejandro Marin"));
supported_by.Add (wxT ("Stoyan Marinov"));
supported_by.Add (wxT ("Ruben Marques"));
supported_by.Add (wxT ("Francisco M Ortega Marquez"));
supported_by.Add (wxT ("MelRish Photos And Films"));
supported_by.Add (wxT ("Paolo Piccioli"));
supported_by.Add (wxT ("Peccadillo Pictures"));
+supported_by.Add (wxT ("Silvia Pierattini"));
supported_by.Add (wxT ("Andrea Pieri"));
supported_by.Add (wxT ("Enrico Pillon"));
supported_by.Add (wxT ("Greg Pine"));
supported_by.Add (wxT ("ProsetschioPictures"));
supported_by.Add (wxT ("Ivan Pullman"));
supported_by.Add (wxT ("Milos Pusic"));
+supported_by.Add (wxT ("John Putch"));
supported_by.Add (wxT ("John Quackenbush"));
supported_by.Add (wxT ("Festival De Cinéma De La Ville De Québec"));
supported_by.Add (wxT ("Arts Quest"));
supported_by.Add (wxT ("Uwe Taggruber"));
supported_by.Add (wxT ("Stephan Talmon-Gros"));
supported_by.Add (wxT ("Marco Taloni"));
+supported_by.Add (wxT ("Alena Tam"));
supported_by.Add (wxT ("Joseph Tan"));
supported_by.Add (wxT ("Bilal Tariq"));
supported_by.Add (wxT ("Branislav Tatalovic"));