+search_by_digest(Replacements& replacement_paths, boost::filesystem::path directory, int depth = 0)
+ boost::system::error_code ec;
+ for (auto candidate: dcp::filesystem::directory_iterator(directory, ec)) {
+ if (dcp::filesystem::is_regular_file(candidate.path())) {
+ auto const candidate_digest = simple_digest({candidate.path()});
+ for (auto& replacement: replacement_paths) {
+ DCPOMATIC_ASSERT(replacement.first->number_of_paths() == 1)
+ if (replacement.first->digest() == candidate_digest) {
+ replacement.second = { candidate.path() };
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (dcp::filesystem::is_directory(candidate.path()) && depth <= 2) {
+ search_by_digest(replacement_paths, candidate, depth + 1);
+ }
+ }
dcpomatic::find_missing (vector<shared_ptr<Content>> content_to_fix, boost::filesystem::path clue)
using namespace boost::filesystem;
- Replacements replacement_paths;
+ Replacements name_replacement_paths;
for (auto content: content_to_fix) {
- replacement_paths[content] = content->paths();
+ name_replacement_paths[content] = content->paths();
- search_by_name(replacement_paths, is_directory(clue) ? clue : clue.parent_path());
+ /* Look for replacements with the same filename */
+ search_by_name(name_replacement_paths, is_directory(clue) ? clue : clue.parent_path());
+ /* Fix any content that can be fixed with those, making a note of those that cannot */
+ Replacements digest_replacement_paths;
for (auto content: content_to_fix) {
- auto const& repl = replacement_paths[content];
+ auto const& repl = name_replacement_paths[content];
bool const replacements_exist = std::find_if(repl.begin(), repl.end(), [](path p) { return !exists(p); }) == repl.end();
- if (replacements_exist && simple_digest(replacement_paths[content]) == content->digest()) {
+ if (replacements_exist && simple_digest(name_replacement_paths[content]) == content->digest()) {
content->set_paths (repl);
+ } else {
+ /* Put it on the list to look for by digest, if possible */
+ if (content->number_of_paths() == 1) {
+ digest_replacement_paths[content] = name_replacement_paths[content];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!digest_replacement_paths.empty()) {
+ /* Search for content with just one path by digest */
+ search_by_digest(digest_replacement_paths, is_directory(clue) ? clue : clue.parent_path());
+ for (auto content: content_to_fix) {
+ auto iter = digest_replacement_paths.find(content);
+ if (iter != digest_replacement_paths.end()) {
+ auto const& repl = iter->second;
+ bool const replacements_exist = std::find_if(repl.begin(), repl.end(), [](path p) { return !exists(p); }) == repl.end();
+ if (replacements_exist) {
+ content->set_paths(repl);
+ }
+ }
using std::make_shared;
+using std::shared_ptr;
using std::string;
+ using namespace boost::filesystem;
+ auto name = string{"find_missing_test_with_rename"};
+ /* Make a directory with some content */
+ auto content_dir = path("build/test") / path(name + "_content");
+ remove_all(content_dir);
+ create_directories(content_dir);
+ copy_file("test/data/flat_red.png", content_dir / "A.png");
+ copy_file("test/data/flat_red.png", content_dir / "B.png");
+ copy_file("test/data/flat_red.png", content_dir / "C.png");
+ /* Make a film with that content */
+ auto film = new_test_film(name + "_film", {
+ content_factory(content_dir / "A.png")[0],
+ content_factory(content_dir / "B.png")[0],
+ content_factory(content_dir / "C.png")[0]
+ });
+ film->write_metadata();
+ /* Rename one of the files */
+ rename(content_dir / "C.png", content_dir / "bogus.png");
+ /* That should make one of the content paths invalid */
+ auto content_list = film->content();
+ int const valid = std::count_if(content_list.begin(), content_list.end(), [](shared_ptr<const Content> content) {
+ return content->paths_valid();
+ });
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(valid, 2);
+ /* Fix the missing files and check the result */
+ dcpomatic::find_missing(content_list, content_dir / "bogus.png");
+ for (auto content: content_list) {
+ BOOST_CHECK(content->paths_valid());
+ }