Make sure use of subs is reflected in the video identifier.
[dcpomatic.git] / .travis.yml
1 language: cpp
3 before_script:
4  - sudo apt-get update
5  - sudo apt-get install libxml++2.6-dev libboost-filesystem1.48-dev libboost-test1.48-dev libboost-thread1.48-dev libboost-locale1.48-dev libxmlsec1-dev libsndfile-dev libmagick++-dev libssh-dev libzip-dev libpangomm-1.4-dev
6  - git clone
7  - cd libcxml
8  - ./waf configure --prefix=/usr
9  - ./waf
10  - sudo ./waf install
11  - cd ..
12  - wget
13  - tar xzf yasm-1.3.0.tar.gz
14  - cd yasm-1.3.0
15  - ./configure
16  - make
17  - sudo make install
18  - cd ..
19  - git clone
20  - cd ffmpeg-cdist
21  - git checkout carl
22  - bash carl-configure /usr
23  - make
24  - sudo make install
25  - cd ..
26  - git clone
27  - cd openjpeg-cdist
28  - ./configure --prefix=/usr
29  - make
30  - sudo make install
31  - cd ..
32  - git clone
33  - cd libdcp
34  - git checkout 1.0
35  - ./waf configure --prefix=/usr
36  - ./waf -j1
37  - sudo ./waf install
38  - cd ..
39  - git clone
40  - cd libsub
41  - git checkout 1.0
42  - ./waf configure --prefix=/usr
43  - ./waf -j1
44  - sudo ./waf install
45  - cd ..
47 env:
48   global:
49    # The next declaration is the encrypted COVERITY_SCAN_TOKEN, created
50    #   via the "travis encrypt" command using the project repo's public key
51    - secure: "bxMzDLe+8Dr0obNntZWsN4ipt1q8EieCwdnEC1e1P5G5aXrrqegHyvyS+Ykq476yex9bgMT3bmnqe1vbwHPvbxRgGO9KeBV3GUc0SgdghnSGikMCGU46TNM5ob9Ia/eFgvR36j01w3dq570MzSsOb3KxmyhjIAlj3Xm4XaVsVO8="
53 addons:
54   coverity_scan:
55     project:
56       name: "cth103/dcpomatic"
57       description: "DCP-o-matic"
58     notification_email:
59     build_command_prepend: 
60     build_command:   "./waf"
61     branch_pattern: 2.0-coverity
63 script:
64  - ./waf configure --disable-gui
65  - ./waf build -j1