Split VerifyDCPResultDialog into a panel and a dialog.
authorCarl Hetherington <cth@carlh.net>
Tue, 9 Apr 2024 19:11:21 +0000 (21:11 +0200)
committerCarl Hetherington <cth@carlh.net>
Mon, 15 Apr 2024 22:39:05 +0000 (00:39 +0200)
src/wx/verify_dcp_result_panel.cc [new file with mode: 0644]
src/wx/verify_dcp_result_panel.h [new file with mode: 0644]

index 9d3715f7c8078bfeff985b6bf0388a558ed40f62..8f834ff589034af2733103c5d3c620b77ac809c8 100644 (file)
 #include "verify_dcp_result_dialog.h"
+#include "verify_dcp_result_panel.h"
 #include "wx_util.h"
-#include "lib/verify_dcp_job.h"
-#include <dcp/raw_convert.h>
-#include <dcp/verify.h>
-#include <dcp/warnings.h>
-#include <wx/richtext/richtextctrl.h>
-#include <wx/notebook.h>
-#include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
-using std::list;
-using std::map;
 using std::shared_ptr;
-using std::string;
-using std::vector;
 VerifyDCPResultDialog::VerifyDCPResultDialog(wxWindow* parent, shared_ptr<VerifyDCPJob> job)
        : wxDialog (parent, wxID_ANY, _("DCP verification"), wxDefaultPosition, {600, 400})
        auto sizer = new wxBoxSizer (wxVERTICAL);
-       auto notebook = new wxNotebook (this, wxID_ANY);
-       sizer->Add (notebook, 1, wxEXPAND | wxALL, DCPOMATIC_DIALOG_BORDER);
-       map<dcp::VerificationNote::Type, wxRichTextCtrl*> pages;
-       pages[dcp::VerificationNote::Type::ERROR] = new wxRichTextCtrl (notebook, wxID_ANY, wxEmptyString, wxDefaultPosition, {400, 300}, wxRE_READONLY);
-       notebook->AddPage (pages[dcp::VerificationNote::Type::ERROR], _("Errors"));
-       pages[dcp::VerificationNote::Type::BV21_ERROR] = new wxRichTextCtrl (notebook, wxID_ANY, wxEmptyString, wxDefaultPosition, {400, 300}, wxRE_READONLY);
-       notebook->AddPage (pages[dcp::VerificationNote::Type::BV21_ERROR], _("SMPTE Bv2.1 errors"));
-       pages[dcp::VerificationNote::Type::WARNING] = new wxRichTextCtrl (notebook, wxID_ANY, wxEmptyString, wxDefaultPosition, {400, 300}, wxRE_READONLY);
-       notebook->AddPage (pages[dcp::VerificationNote::Type::WARNING], _("Warnings"));
+       auto panel = new VerifyDCPResultPanel(this, job);
+       sizer->Add(panel, 1, wxEXPAND);
-       auto summary = new wxStaticText (this, wxID_ANY, wxT(""));
-       sizer->Add (summary, 0, wxALL, DCPOMATIC_DIALOG_BORDER);
-       auto buttons = CreateStdDialogButtonSizer (0);
+       auto buttons = CreateStdDialogButtonSizer(0);
        sizer->Add (CreateSeparatedSizer(buttons), wxSizerFlags().Expand().DoubleBorder());
        buttons->SetAffirmativeButton (new wxButton (this, wxID_OK));
        buttons->Realize ();
@@ -66,429 +44,4 @@ VerifyDCPResultDialog::VerifyDCPResultDialog(wxWindow* parent, shared_ptr<Verify
        sizer->Layout ();
        sizer->SetSizeHints (this);
-       for (auto const& i: pages) {
-               i.second->GetCaret()->Hide();
-       }
-       if (job->finished_ok() && job->notes().empty()) {
-               summary->SetLabel (_("DCP validates OK."));
-               return;
-       }
-       map<dcp::VerificationNote::Type, int> counts;
-       counts[dcp::VerificationNote::Type::WARNING] = 0;
-       counts[dcp::VerificationNote::Type::BV21_ERROR] = 0;
-       counts[dcp::VerificationNote::Type::ERROR] = 0;
-       auto add_bullet = [&pages](dcp::VerificationNote::Type type, wxString message) {
-               pages[type]->BeginStandardBullet(N_("standard/diamond"), 1, 50);
-               pages[type]->WriteText (message);
-               pages[type]->Newline ();
-               pages[type]->EndStandardBullet ();
-       };
-       auto add = [&counts, &add_bullet](dcp::VerificationNote note, wxString message) {
-               if (note.reference_hash()) {
-                       message.Replace("%reference_hash", std_to_wx(note.reference_hash().get()));
-               }
-               if (note.calculated_hash()) {
-                       message.Replace("%calculated_hash", std_to_wx(note.calculated_hash().get()));
-               }
-               if (note.frame()) {
-                       message.Replace("%frame", std_to_wx(dcp::raw_convert<string>(note.frame().get())));
-                       message.Replace(
-                               "%timecode",
-                               std_to_wx(
-                                       dcp::Time(note.frame().get(), note.frame_rate().get(), note.frame_rate().get()).as_string(dcp::Standard::SMPTE)
-                                       ));
-               }
-               if (note.note()) {
-                       message.Replace("%n", std_to_wx(note.note().get()));
-               }
-               if (note.file()) {
-                       message.Replace("%f", std_to_wx(note.file()->filename().string()));
-               }
-               if (note.line()) {
-                       message.Replace("%l", std_to_wx(dcp::raw_convert<string>(note.line().get())));
-               }
-               if (note.component()) {
-                       message.Replace("%component", std_to_wx(dcp::raw_convert<string>(note.component().get())));
-               }
-               if (note.size()) {
-                       message.Replace("%size", std_to_wx(dcp::raw_convert<string>(note.size().get())));
-               }
-               if (note.id()) {
-                       message.Replace("%id", std_to_wx(note.id().get()));
-               }
-               if (note.other_id()) {
-                       message.Replace("%other_id", std_to_wx(note.other_id().get()));
-               }
-               add_bullet (note.type(), message);
-               counts[note.type()]++;
-       };
-       if (job->finished_in_error() && job->error_summary() != "") {
-               /* We have an error that did not come from dcp::verify */
-               add_bullet (dcp::VerificationNote::Type::ERROR, std_to_wx(job->error_summary()));
-               ++counts[dcp::VerificationNote::Type::ERROR];
-       }
-       for (auto i: job->notes()) {
-               switch (i.code()) {
-               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::FAILED_READ:
-                       add (i, _("Could not read DCP (%n)"));
-                       break;
-               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::MISMATCHED_CPL_HASHES:
-                       add(i, _("The hash (%reference_hash) of the CPL %n in the PKL does not agree with the CPL file (%calculated_hash).  This probably means that the CPL file is corrupt."));
-                       break;
-               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::INVALID_PICTURE_FRAME_RATE:
-                       add(i, _("The picture in a reel has a frame rate of %n, which is not valid."));
-                       break;
-               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::INCORRECT_PICTURE_HASH:
-                       add(i, _("The hash (%calculated_hash) of the picture asset %f does not agree with the PKL file (%reference_hash).  This probably means that the asset file is corrupt."));
-                       break;
-               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::MISMATCHED_PICTURE_HASHES:
-                       add(i, _("The PKL and CPL hashes disagree for picture asset %f."));
-                       break;
-               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::INCORRECT_SOUND_HASH:
-                       add(i, _("The hash (%calculated_hash) of the sound asset %f does not agree with the PKL file (%reference_hash).  This probably means that the asset file is corrupt."));
-                       break;
-               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::MISMATCHED_SOUND_HASHES:
-                       add(i, _("The PKL and CPL hashes disagree for sound asset %f."));
-                       break;
-               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::EMPTY_ASSET_PATH:
-                       add(i, _("An asset has an empty path in the ASSETMAP."));
-                       break;
-               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::MISSING_ASSET:
-                       add(i, _("The asset %f is missing."));
-                       break;
-               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::MISMATCHED_STANDARD:
-                       add(i, _("Parts of the DCP are written according to the Interop standard and parts according to SMPTE."));
-                       break;
-               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::INVALID_XML:
-                       if (i.line()) {
-                               add(i, _("The XML in %f is malformed on line %l (%n)."));
-                       } else {
-                               add(i, _("The XML in %f is malformed (%n)."));
-                       }
-                       break;
-               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::MISSING_ASSETMAP:
-                       add(i, _("No ASSETMAP or ASSETMAP.xml file was found."));
-                       break;
-               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::INVALID_INTRINSIC_DURATION:
-                       add(i, _("The asset %n has an intrinsic duration of less than 1 second, which is invalid."));
-                       break;
-               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::INVALID_DURATION:
-                       add(i, _("The asset %n has a duration of less than 1 second, which is invalid."));
-                       break;
-               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::INVALID_PICTURE_FRAME_SIZE_IN_BYTES:
-                       add(i, _("At least one frame of the video asset %f is over the limit of 250Mbit/s."));
-                       break;
-               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::NEARLY_INVALID_PICTURE_FRAME_SIZE_IN_BYTES:
-                       add(i, _("Frame %frame (timecode %timecode) in asset %f has an instantaneous bit rate that is close to the limit of 250Mbit/s."));
-                       break;
-               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::EXTERNAL_ASSET:
-                       add(i, _("This DCP refers to at the asset %n in another DCP (and perhaps others), so it is a \"version file\" (VF)"));
-                       break;
-               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::THREED_ASSET_MARKED_AS_TWOD:
-                       add(i, _("The asset %f is 3D but its MXF is marked as 2D."));
-                       break;
-               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::INVALID_STANDARD:
-                       add(i, _("This DCP uses the Interop standard, but it should be made with SMPTE."));
-                       break;
-               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::INVALID_LANGUAGE:
-                       add(i, _("The invalid language tag %n is used."));
-                       break;
-               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::INVALID_PICTURE_SIZE_IN_PIXELS:
-                       add(i, _("The video asset %f uses the invalid image size %n."));
-                       break;
-               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::INVALID_PICTURE_FRAME_RATE_FOR_2K:
-                       add(i, _("The video asset %f uses the invalid frame rate %n."));
-                       break;
-               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::INVALID_PICTURE_FRAME_RATE_FOR_4K:
-                       add(i, _("The video asset %f uses the frame rate %n which is invalid for 4K video."));
-                       break;
-               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::INVALID_PICTURE_ASSET_RESOLUTION_FOR_3D:
-                       add(i, _("The video asset %f uses the frame rate %n which is invalid for 3D video."));
-                       break;
-               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::INVALID_CLOSED_CAPTION_XML_SIZE_IN_BYTES:
-                       add(i, _("The XML in the closed caption asset %f takes up %n bytes which is over the 256KB limit."));
-                       break;
-               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::INVALID_TIMED_TEXT_SIZE_IN_BYTES:
-                       add(i, _("The timed text asset %f takes up %n bytes which is over the 115MB limit."));
-                       break;
-               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::INVALID_TIMED_TEXT_FONT_SIZE_IN_BYTES:
-                       add(i, _("The fonts in the timed text asset %f take up %n bytes which is over the 10MB limit."));
-                       break;
-               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::MISSING_SUBTITLE_LANGUAGE:
-                       add(i, _("The subtitle asset %f contains no <Language> tag."));
-                       break;
-               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::MISMATCHED_SUBTITLE_LANGUAGES:
-                       add(i, _("Not all subtitle assets specify the same <Language> tag."));
-                       break;
-               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::MISSING_SUBTITLE_START_TIME:
-                       add(i, _("The subtitle asset %f contains no <StartTime> tag."));
-                       break;
-               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::INVALID_SUBTITLE_START_TIME:
-                       add(i, _("The subtitle asset %f has a <StartTime> which is not zero."));
-                       break;
-               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::INVALID_SUBTITLE_FIRST_TEXT_TIME:
-                       add(i, _("The first subtitle or closed caption happens before 4s into the first reel."));
-                       break;
-               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::INVALID_SUBTITLE_DURATION:
-                       add(i, _("At least one subtitle lasts less than 15 frames."));
-                       break;
-               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::INVALID_SUBTITLE_SPACING:
-                       add(i, _("At least one pair of subtitles is separated by less than 2 frames."));
-                       break;
-               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::INVALID_SUBTITLE_LINE_COUNT:
-                       add(i, _("There are more than 3 subtitle lines in at least one place."));
-                       break;
-               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::NEARLY_INVALID_SUBTITLE_LINE_LENGTH:
-                       add(i, _("There are more than 52 characters in at least one subtitle line."));
-                       break;
-               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::INVALID_SUBTITLE_LINE_LENGTH:
-                       add(i, _("There are more than 79 characters in at least one subtitle line."));
-                       break;
-               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::INVALID_CLOSED_CAPTION_LINE_COUNT:
-                       add(i, _("There are more than 3 closed caption lines in at least one place."));
-                       break;
-               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::INVALID_CLOSED_CAPTION_LINE_LENGTH:
-                       add(i, _("There are more than 32 characters in at least one closed caption line."));
-                       break;
-               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::INVALID_SOUND_FRAME_RATE:
-                       add(i, _("The sound asset %f has an invalid frame rate of %n."));
-                       break;
-               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::MISSING_CPL_ANNOTATION_TEXT:
-                       add(i, _("The CPL %n has no <AnnotationText> tag."));
-                       break;
-               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::MISMATCHED_CPL_ANNOTATION_TEXT:
-                       add(i, _("The CPL %n has an <AnnotationText> which is not the same as its <ContentTitleText>."));
-                       break;
-               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::MISMATCHED_ASSET_DURATION:
-                       add(i, _("At least one asset in a reel does not have the same duration as the others."));
-                       break;
-               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::MISSING_MAIN_SUBTITLE_FROM_SOME_REELS:
-                       add(i, _("The DCP has subtitles but at least one reel has no subtitle asset."));
-                       break;
-               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::MISMATCHED_CLOSED_CAPTION_ASSET_COUNTS:
-                       add(i, _("The DCP has closed captions but not every reel has the same number of closed caption assets."));
-                       break;
-               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::MISSING_SUBTITLE_ENTRY_POINT:
-                       add(i, _("The subtitle asset %n has no <EntryPoint> tag."));
-                       break;
-               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::INCORRECT_SUBTITLE_ENTRY_POINT:
-                       add(i, _("Subtitle asset %n has a non-zero <EntryPoint>."));
-                       break;
-               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::MISSING_CLOSED_CAPTION_ENTRY_POINT:
-                       add(i, _("The closed caption asset %n has no <EntryPoint> tag."));
-                       break;
-               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::INCORRECT_CLOSED_CAPTION_ENTRY_POINT:
-                       add(i, _("Closed caption asset %n has a non-zero <EntryPoint>."));
-                       break;
-               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::MISSING_HASH:
-                       add(i, _("The asset %n has no <Hash> in the CPL."));
-                       break;
-               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::MISSING_FFEC_IN_FEATURE:
-                       add(i, _("The DCP is a feature but has no FFEC (first frame of end credits) marker."));
-                       break;
-               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::MISSING_FFMC_IN_FEATURE:
-                       add(i, _("The DCP is a feature but has no FFMC (first frame of moving credits) marker."));
-                       break;
-               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::MISSING_FFOC:
-                       add(i, _("The DCP has no FFOC (first frame of content) marker."));
-                       break;
-               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::MISSING_LFOC:
-                       add(i, _("The DCP has no LFOC (last frame of content) marker."));
-                       break;
-               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::INCORRECT_FFOC:
-                       add(i, _("The DCP has a FFOC of %n instead of 1."));
-                       break;
-               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::INCORRECT_LFOC:
-                       add(i, _("The DCP has a LFOC of %n instead of the reel duration minus one."));
-                       break;
-               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::MISSING_CPL_METADATA:
-                       add(i, _("The CPL %n has no CPL metadata tag."));
-                       break;
-               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::MISSING_CPL_METADATA_VERSION_NUMBER:
-                       add(i, _("The CPL %n has no CPL metadata version number tag."));
-                       break;
-               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::MISSING_EXTENSION_METADATA:
-                       add(i, _("The CPL %n has no CPL extension metadata tag."));
-                       break;
-               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::INVALID_EXTENSION_METADATA:
-                       add(i, _("The CPL %f has an invalid CPL extension metadata tag (%n)"));
-                       break;
-               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::UNSIGNED_CPL_WITH_ENCRYPTED_CONTENT:
-                       add(i, _("The CPL %n has encrypted content but is not signed."));
-                       break;
-               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::UNSIGNED_PKL_WITH_ENCRYPTED_CONTENT:
-                       add(i, _("The PKL %n has encrypted content but is not signed."));
-                       break;
-               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::MISMATCHED_PKL_ANNOTATION_TEXT_WITH_CPL:
-                       add(i, _("The PKL %n has an <AnnotationText> which does not match its CPL's <ContentTitleText>."));
-                       break;
-               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::PARTIALLY_ENCRYPTED:
-                       add(i, _("The DCP has encrypted content, but not all its assets are encrypted."));
-                       break;
-               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::INVALID_JPEG2000_CODESTREAM:
-                       add(i, _("A picture frame has an invalid JPEG2000 codestream (%n)"));
-                       break;
-               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::INVALID_JPEG2000_GUARD_BITS_FOR_2K:
-                       add(i, _("A 2K JPEG2000 frame has %n guard bits instead of 1."));
-                       break;
-               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::INVALID_JPEG2000_GUARD_BITS_FOR_4K:
-                       add(i, _("A 4K JPEG2000 frame has %n guard bits instead of 2."));
-                       break;
-               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::INVALID_JPEG2000_TILE_SIZE:
-                       add(i, _("A JPEG2000 tile size does not match the image size."));
-                       break;
-               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::INVALID_JPEG2000_CODE_BLOCK_WIDTH:
-                       add(i, _("A JPEG2000 frame has a code-block width of %n instead of 32."));
-                       break;
-               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::INVALID_JPEG2000_CODE_BLOCK_HEIGHT:
-                       add(i, _("A JPEG2000 frame has a code-block height of %n instead of 32."));
-                       break;
-               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::INCORRECT_JPEG2000_POC_MARKER_COUNT_FOR_2K:
-                       add(i, _("A 2K JPEG2000 frame has %n POC marker(s) instead of 0."));
-                       break;
-               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::INCORRECT_JPEG2000_POC_MARKER_COUNT_FOR_4K:
-                       add(i, _("A 4K JPEG2000 frame has %n POC marker(s) instead of 1."));
-                       break;
-               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::INCORRECT_JPEG2000_POC_MARKER:
-                       add(i, _("A JPEG2000 frame contains an invalid POC marker (%n)."));
-                       break;
-               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::INVALID_JPEG2000_POC_MARKER_LOCATION:
-                       add(i, _("A JPEG2000 frame contains POC marker in an invalid location."));
-                       break;
-               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::INVALID_JPEG2000_TILE_PARTS_FOR_2K:
-                       add(i, _("A 2K JPEG2000 frame contains %n tile parts instead of 3."));
-                       break;
-               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::INVALID_JPEG2000_TILE_PARTS_FOR_4K:
-                       add(i, _("A 4K JPEG2000 frame contains %n tile parts instead of 6."));
-                       break;
-               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::MISSING_JPEG200_TLM_MARKER:
-                       add(i, _("A JPEG2000 frame has no TLM marker."));
-                       break;
-               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::SUBTITLE_OVERLAPS_REEL_BOUNDARY:
-                       add(i, _("A subtitle lasts longer than the reel it is in."));
-                       break;
-               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::MISMATCHED_TIMED_TEXT_RESOURCE_ID:
-                       add(i, _("The Resource ID in a timed text MXF did not match the ID of the contained XML."));
-                       break;
-               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::INCORRECT_TIMED_TEXT_ASSET_ID:
-                       add(i, _("The Asset ID in a timed text MXF is the same as the Resource ID or that of the contained XML."));
-                       break;
-               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::MISMATCHED_TIMED_TEXT_DURATION:
-               {
-                       vector<string> parts;
-                       boost::split (parts, i.note().get(), boost::is_any_of(" "));
-                       add(i, wxString::Format(_("The reel duration (%s) of some timed text is not the same as the ContainerDuration (%s) of its MXF."), std_to_wx(parts[0]), std_to_wx(parts[1])));
-                       break;
-               }
-               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::MISSED_CHECK_OF_ENCRYPTED:
-                       add(i, _("Part of the DCP could not be checked because no KDM was available."));
-                       break;
-               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::EMPTY_TEXT:
-                       add(i, _("At least one <Text> node in a subtitle or closed caption is empty."));
-                       break;
-               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::MISMATCHED_CLOSED_CAPTION_VALIGN:
-                       add(i, _("Some closed <Text> or <Image> nodes have different vertical alignments within a <Subtitle>."));
-                       break;
-               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::INCORRECT_CLOSED_CAPTION_ORDERING:
-                       add(i, _("Some closed captions are not listed in the order of their vertical position."));
-                       break;
-               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::UNEXPECTED_ENTRY_POINT:
-                       add(i, _("There is a <EntryPoint> tag inside a <MainMarkers>."));
-                       break;
-               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::UNEXPECTED_DURATION:
-                       add(i, _("There is a <Duration> tag inside a <MainMarkers>."));
-                       break;
-               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::INVALID_CONTENT_KIND:
-                       add(i, _("An invalid <ContentKind> %n has been used."));
-                       break;
-               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::INVALID_MAIN_PICTURE_ACTIVE_AREA:
-                       add(i, _("The <MainPictureActiveArea> is either not a multiple of 2, or is bigger than an asset."));
-                       break;
-               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::DUPLICATE_ASSET_ID_IN_PKL:
-                       add(i, _("The PKL %n has more than one asset with the same ID."));
-                       break;
-               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::DUPLICATE_ASSET_ID_IN_ASSETMAP:
-                       add(i, _("The ASSETMAP %n has more than one asset with the same ID."));
-                       break;
-               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::MISSING_SUBTITLE:
-                       add(i, _("The subtitle asset %n contains no subtitles."));
-                       break;
-               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::INVALID_SUBTITLE_ISSUE_DATE:
-                       add(i, _("<IssueDate> has an invalid value %n"));
-                       break;
-               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::MISMATCHED_SOUND_CHANNEL_COUNTS:
-                       add(i, _("Sound assets do not all have the same channel count."));
-                       break;
-               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::INVALID_MAIN_SOUND_CONFIGURATION:
-                       add(i, _("<MainSoundConfiguration> describes incorrect number of channels (%n)"));
-                       break;
-               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::MISSING_FONT:
-                       add(i, _("The font file for font ID \"%n\" was not found, or was not referred to in the ASSETMAP."));
-                       break;
-               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::INVALID_JPEG2000_TILE_PART_SIZE:
-                       add(i, _("Frame %frame has an image component that is too large (component %component is %size bytes in size)."));
-                       break;
-               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::INCORRECT_SUBTITLE_NAMESPACE_COUNT:
-                       add(i, _("The XML in the subtitle asset %n has more than one namespace declaration."));
-                       break;
-               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::MISSING_LOAD_FONT_FOR_FONT:
-                       add(i, _("A subtitle or closed caption refers to a font with ID %id that does not have a corresponding <LoadFont> node."));
-                       break;
-               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::MISSING_LOAD_FONT:
-                       add(i, _("The SMPTE subtitle asset %id has <Text> nodes but no <LoadFont> node"));
-                       break;
-               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::MISMATCHED_ASSET_MAP_ID:
-                       add(i, _("The asset with ID %id in the asset map actually has an id of %other_id"));
-                       break;
-               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::EMPTY_CONTENT_VERSION_LABEL_TEXT:
-                       add(i, _("The <LabelText> in a <ContentVersion> in CPL %id is empty"));
-                       break;
-               }
-       }
-       wxString summary_text;
-       if (counts[dcp::VerificationNote::Type::ERROR] == 1) {
-               /// TRANSLATORS: this will be used at the start of a string like "1 error, 2 Bv2.1 errors and 3 warnings."
-               summary_text = _("1 error, ");
-       } else {
-               /// TRANSLATORS: this will be used at the start of a string like "1 error, 2 Bv2.1 errors and 3 warnings."
-               summary_text = wxString::Format("%d errors, ", counts[dcp::VerificationNote::Type::ERROR]);
-       }
-       if (counts[dcp::VerificationNote::Type::BV21_ERROR] == 1) {
-               /// TRANSLATORS: this will be used in the middle of a string like "1 error, 2 Bv2.1 errors and 3 warnings."
-               summary_text += _("1 Bv2.1 error, ");
-       } else {
-               /// TRANSLATORS: this will be used in the middle of a string like "1 error, 2 Bv2.1 errors and 3 warnings."
-               summary_text += wxString::Format("%d Bv2.1 errors, ", counts[dcp::VerificationNote::Type::BV21_ERROR]);
-       }
-       if (counts[dcp::VerificationNote::Type::WARNING] == 1) {
-               /// TRANSLATORS: this will be used at the end of a string like "1 error, 2 Bv2.1 errors and 3 warnings."
-               summary_text += _("and 1 warning.");
-       } else {
-               /// TRANSLATORS: this will be used at the end of a string like "1 error, 2 Bv2.1 errors and 3 warnings."
-               summary_text += wxString::Format("and %d warnings.", counts[dcp::VerificationNote::Type::WARNING]);
-       }
-       summary->SetLabel(summary_text);
-       if (counts[dcp::VerificationNote::Type::ERROR] == 0) {
-               add_bullet (dcp::VerificationNote::Type::ERROR, _("No errors found."));
-       }
-       if (counts[dcp::VerificationNote::Type::BV21_ERROR] == 0) {
-               add_bullet (dcp::VerificationNote::Type::BV21_ERROR, _("No SMPTE Bv2.1 errors found."));
-       }
-       if (counts[dcp::VerificationNote::Type::WARNING] == 0) {
-               add_bullet (dcp::VerificationNote::Type::WARNING, _("No warnings found."));
-       }
diff --git a/src/wx/verify_dcp_result_panel.cc b/src/wx/verify_dcp_result_panel.cc
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..f536c34
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,490 @@
+    Copyright (C) 2018 Carl Hetherington <cth@carlh.net>
+    This file is part of DCP-o-matic.
+    DCP-o-matic is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+    (at your option) any later version.
+    DCP-o-matic is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+    GNU General Public License for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with DCP-o-matic.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#include "verify_dcp_result_panel.h"
+#include "wx_util.h"
+#include "lib/verify_dcp_job.h"
+#include <dcp/raw_convert.h>
+#include <dcp/verify.h>
+#include <dcp/warnings.h>
+#include <wx/richtext/richtextctrl.h>
+#include <wx/notebook.h>
+#include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
+using std::list;
+using std::map;
+using std::shared_ptr;
+using std::string;
+using std::vector;
+VerifyDCPResultPanel::VerifyDCPResultPanel(wxWindow* parent, shared_ptr<VerifyDCPJob> job)
+       : wxPanel(parent, wxID_ANY)
+       auto sizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL);
+       auto notebook = new wxNotebook(this, wxID_ANY);
+       sizer->Add(notebook, 1, wxEXPAND | wxALL, DCPOMATIC_DIALOG_BORDER);
+       map<dcp::VerificationNote::Type, wxRichTextCtrl*> pages;
+       pages[dcp::VerificationNote::Type::ERROR] = new wxRichTextCtrl(notebook, wxID_ANY, wxEmptyString, wxDefaultPosition, {400, 300}, wxRE_READONLY);
+       notebook->AddPage(pages[dcp::VerificationNote::Type::ERROR], _("Errors"));
+       pages[dcp::VerificationNote::Type::BV21_ERROR] = new wxRichTextCtrl(notebook, wxID_ANY, wxEmptyString, wxDefaultPosition, {400, 300}, wxRE_READONLY);
+       notebook->AddPage(pages[dcp::VerificationNote::Type::BV21_ERROR], _("SMPTE Bv2.1 errors"));
+       pages[dcp::VerificationNote::Type::WARNING] = new wxRichTextCtrl(notebook, wxID_ANY, wxEmptyString, wxDefaultPosition, {400, 300}, wxRE_READONLY);
+       notebook->AddPage(pages[dcp::VerificationNote::Type::WARNING], _("Warnings"));
+       auto summary = new wxStaticText(this, wxID_ANY, wxT(""));
+       sizer->Add(summary, 0, wxALL, DCPOMATIC_DIALOG_BORDER);
+       SetSizer(sizer);
+       sizer->Layout();
+       sizer->SetSizeHints(this);
+       for (auto const& i: pages) {
+               i.second->GetCaret()->Hide();
+       }
+       if (job->finished_ok() && job->notes().empty()) {
+               summary->SetLabel(_("DCP validates OK."));
+               return;
+       }
+       map<dcp::VerificationNote::Type, int> counts;
+       counts[dcp::VerificationNote::Type::WARNING] = 0;
+       counts[dcp::VerificationNote::Type::BV21_ERROR] = 0;
+       counts[dcp::VerificationNote::Type::ERROR] = 0;
+       auto add_bullet = [&pages](dcp::VerificationNote::Type type, wxString message) {
+               pages[type]->BeginStandardBullet(N_("standard/diamond"), 1, 50);
+               pages[type]->WriteText(message);
+               pages[type]->Newline();
+               pages[type]->EndStandardBullet();
+       };
+       auto add = [&counts, &add_bullet](dcp::VerificationNote note, wxString message) {
+               if (note.reference_hash()) {
+                       message.Replace("%reference_hash", std_to_wx(note.reference_hash().get()));
+               }
+               if (note.calculated_hash()) {
+                       message.Replace("%calculated_hash", std_to_wx(note.calculated_hash().get()));
+               }
+               if (note.frame()) {
+                       message.Replace("%frame", std_to_wx(dcp::raw_convert<string>(note.frame().get())));
+                       message.Replace(
+                               "%timecode",
+                               std_to_wx(
+                                       dcp::Time(note.frame().get(), note.frame_rate().get(), note.frame_rate().get()).as_string(dcp::Standard::SMPTE)
+                                       ));
+               }
+               if (note.note()) {
+                       message.Replace("%n", std_to_wx(note.note().get()));
+               }
+               if (note.file()) {
+                       message.Replace("%f", std_to_wx(note.file()->filename().string()));
+               }
+               if (note.line()) {
+                       message.Replace("%l", std_to_wx(dcp::raw_convert<string>(note.line().get())));
+               }
+               if (note.component()) {
+                       message.Replace("%component", std_to_wx(dcp::raw_convert<string>(note.component().get())));
+               }
+               if (note.size()) {
+                       message.Replace("%size", std_to_wx(dcp::raw_convert<string>(note.size().get())));
+               }
+               if (note.id()) {
+                       message.Replace("%id", std_to_wx(note.id().get()));
+               }
+               if (note.other_id()) {
+                       message.Replace("%other_id", std_to_wx(note.other_id().get()));
+               }
+               add_bullet(note.type(), message);
+               counts[note.type()]++;
+       };
+       if (job->finished_in_error() && job->error_summary() != "") {
+               /* We have an error that did not come from dcp::verify */
+               add_bullet(dcp::VerificationNote::Type::ERROR, std_to_wx(job->error_summary()));
+               ++counts[dcp::VerificationNote::Type::ERROR];
+       }
+       for (auto i: job->notes()) {
+               switch (i.code()) {
+               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::FAILED_READ:
+                       add(i, _("Could not read DCP (%n)"));
+                       break;
+               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::MISMATCHED_CPL_HASHES:
+                       add(i, _("The hash (%reference_hash) of the CPL %n in the PKL does not agree with the CPL file (%calculated_hash).  This probably means that the CPL file is corrupt."));
+                       break;
+               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::INVALID_PICTURE_FRAME_RATE:
+                       add(i, _("The picture in a reel has a frame rate of %n, which is not valid."));
+                       break;
+               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::INCORRECT_PICTURE_HASH:
+                       add(i, _("The hash (%calculated_hash) of the picture asset %f does not agree with the PKL file (%reference_hash).  This probably means that the asset file is corrupt."));
+                       break;
+               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::MISMATCHED_PICTURE_HASHES:
+                       add(i, _("The PKL and CPL hashes disagree for picture asset %f."));
+                       break;
+               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::INCORRECT_SOUND_HASH:
+                       add(i, _("The hash (%calculated_hash) of the sound asset %f does not agree with the PKL file (%reference_hash).  This probably means that the asset file is corrupt."));
+                       break;
+               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::MISMATCHED_SOUND_HASHES:
+                       add(i, _("The PKL and CPL hashes disagree for sound asset %f."));
+                       break;
+               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::EMPTY_ASSET_PATH:
+                       add(i, _("An asset has an empty path in the ASSETMAP."));
+                       break;
+               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::MISSING_ASSET:
+                       add(i, _("The asset %f is missing."));
+                       break;
+               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::MISMATCHED_STANDARD:
+                       add(i, _("Parts of the DCP are written according to the Interop standard and parts according to SMPTE."));
+                       break;
+               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::INVALID_XML:
+                       if (i.line()) {
+                               add(i, _("The XML in %f is malformed on line %l (%n)."));
+                       } else {
+                               add(i, _("The XML in %f is malformed (%n)."));
+                       }
+                       break;
+               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::MISSING_ASSETMAP:
+                       add(i, _("No ASSETMAP or ASSETMAP.xml file was found."));
+                       break;
+               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::INVALID_INTRINSIC_DURATION:
+                       add(i, _("The asset %n has an intrinsic duration of less than 1 second, which is invalid."));
+                       break;
+               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::INVALID_DURATION:
+                       add(i, _("The asset %n has a duration of less than 1 second, which is invalid."));
+                       break;
+               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::INVALID_PICTURE_FRAME_SIZE_IN_BYTES:
+                       add(i, _("At least one frame of the video asset %f is over the limit of 250Mbit/s."));
+                       break;
+               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::NEARLY_INVALID_PICTURE_FRAME_SIZE_IN_BYTES:
+                       add(i, _("Frame %frame (timecode %timecode) in asset %f has an instantaneous bit rate that is close to the limit of 250Mbit/s."));
+                       break;
+               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::EXTERNAL_ASSET:
+                       add(i, _("This DCP refers to at the asset %n in another DCP (and perhaps others), so it is a \"version file\" (VF)"));
+                       break;
+               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::THREED_ASSET_MARKED_AS_TWOD:
+                       add(i, _("The asset %f is 3D but its MXF is marked as 2D."));
+                       break;
+               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::INVALID_STANDARD:
+                       add(i, _("This DCP uses the Interop standard, but it should be made with SMPTE."));
+                       break;
+               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::INVALID_LANGUAGE:
+                       add(i, _("The invalid language tag %n is used."));
+                       break;
+               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::INVALID_PICTURE_SIZE_IN_PIXELS:
+                       add(i, _("The video asset %f uses the invalid image size %n."));
+                       break;
+               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::INVALID_PICTURE_FRAME_RATE_FOR_2K:
+                       add(i, _("The video asset %f uses the invalid frame rate %n."));
+                       break;
+               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::INVALID_PICTURE_FRAME_RATE_FOR_4K:
+                       add(i, _("The video asset %f uses the frame rate %n which is invalid for 4K video."));
+                       break;
+               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::INVALID_PICTURE_ASSET_RESOLUTION_FOR_3D:
+                       add(i, _("The video asset %f uses the frame rate %n which is invalid for 3D video."));
+                       break;
+               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::INVALID_CLOSED_CAPTION_XML_SIZE_IN_BYTES:
+                       add(i, _("The XML in the closed caption asset %f takes up %n bytes which is over the 256KB limit."));
+                       break;
+               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::INVALID_TIMED_TEXT_SIZE_IN_BYTES:
+                       add(i, _("The timed text asset %f takes up %n bytes which is over the 115MB limit."));
+                       break;
+               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::INVALID_TIMED_TEXT_FONT_SIZE_IN_BYTES:
+                       add(i, _("The fonts in the timed text asset %f take up %n bytes which is over the 10MB limit."));
+                       break;
+               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::MISSING_SUBTITLE_LANGUAGE:
+                       add(i, _("The subtitle asset %f contains no <Language> tag."));
+                       break;
+               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::MISMATCHED_SUBTITLE_LANGUAGES:
+                       add(i, _("Not all subtitle assets specify the same <Language> tag."));
+                       break;
+               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::MISSING_SUBTITLE_START_TIME:
+                       add(i, _("The subtitle asset %f contains no <StartTime> tag."));
+                       break;
+               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::INVALID_SUBTITLE_START_TIME:
+                       add(i, _("The subtitle asset %f has a <StartTime> which is not zero."));
+                       break;
+               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::INVALID_SUBTITLE_FIRST_TEXT_TIME:
+                       add(i, _("The first subtitle or closed caption happens before 4s into the first reel."));
+                       break;
+               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::INVALID_SUBTITLE_DURATION:
+                       add(i, _("At least one subtitle lasts less than 15 frames."));
+                       break;
+               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::INVALID_SUBTITLE_SPACING:
+                       add(i, _("At least one pair of subtitles is separated by less than 2 frames."));
+                       break;
+               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::INVALID_SUBTITLE_LINE_COUNT:
+                       add(i, _("There are more than 3 subtitle lines in at least one place."));
+                       break;
+               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::NEARLY_INVALID_SUBTITLE_LINE_LENGTH:
+                       add(i, _("There are more than 52 characters in at least one subtitle line."));
+                       break;
+               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::INVALID_SUBTITLE_LINE_LENGTH:
+                       add(i, _("There are more than 79 characters in at least one subtitle line."));
+                       break;
+               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::INVALID_CLOSED_CAPTION_LINE_COUNT:
+                       add(i, _("There are more than 3 closed caption lines in at least one place."));
+                       break;
+               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::INVALID_CLOSED_CAPTION_LINE_LENGTH:
+                       add(i, _("There are more than 32 characters in at least one closed caption line."));
+                       break;
+               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::INVALID_SOUND_FRAME_RATE:
+                       add(i, _("The sound asset %f has an invalid frame rate of %n."));
+                       break;
+               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::MISSING_CPL_ANNOTATION_TEXT:
+                       add(i, _("The CPL %n has no <AnnotationText> tag."));
+                       break;
+               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::MISMATCHED_CPL_ANNOTATION_TEXT:
+                       add(i, _("The CPL %n has an <AnnotationText> which is not the same as its <ContentTitleText>."));
+                       break;
+               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::MISMATCHED_ASSET_DURATION:
+                       add(i, _("At least one asset in a reel does not have the same duration as the others."));
+                       break;
+               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::MISSING_MAIN_SUBTITLE_FROM_SOME_REELS:
+                       add(i, _("The DCP has subtitles but at least one reel has no subtitle asset."));
+                       break;
+               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::MISMATCHED_CLOSED_CAPTION_ASSET_COUNTS:
+                       add(i, _("The DCP has closed captions but not every reel has the same number of closed caption assets."));
+                       break;
+               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::MISSING_SUBTITLE_ENTRY_POINT:
+                       add(i, _("The subtitle asset %n has no <EntryPoint> tag."));
+                       break;
+               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::INCORRECT_SUBTITLE_ENTRY_POINT:
+                       add(i, _("Subtitle asset %n has a non-zero <EntryPoint>."));
+                       break;
+               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::MISSING_CLOSED_CAPTION_ENTRY_POINT:
+                       add(i, _("The closed caption asset %n has no <EntryPoint> tag."));
+                       break;
+               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::INCORRECT_CLOSED_CAPTION_ENTRY_POINT:
+                       add(i, _("Closed caption asset %n has a non-zero <EntryPoint>."));
+                       break;
+               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::MISSING_HASH:
+                       add(i, _("The asset %n has no <Hash> in the CPL."));
+                       break;
+               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::MISSING_FFEC_IN_FEATURE:
+                       add(i, _("The DCP is a feature but has no FFEC (first frame of end credits) marker."));
+                       break;
+               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::MISSING_FFMC_IN_FEATURE:
+                       add(i, _("The DCP is a feature but has no FFMC (first frame of moving credits) marker."));
+                       break;
+               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::MISSING_FFOC:
+                       add(i, _("The DCP has no FFOC (first frame of content) marker."));
+                       break;
+               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::MISSING_LFOC:
+                       add(i, _("The DCP has no LFOC (last frame of content) marker."));
+                       break;
+               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::INCORRECT_FFOC:
+                       add(i, _("The DCP has a FFOC of %n instead of 1."));
+                       break;
+               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::INCORRECT_LFOC:
+                       add(i, _("The DCP has a LFOC of %n instead of the reel duration minus one."));
+                       break;
+               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::MISSING_CPL_METADATA:
+                       add(i, _("The CPL %n has no CPL metadata tag."));
+                       break;
+               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::MISSING_CPL_METADATA_VERSION_NUMBER:
+                       add(i, _("The CPL %n has no CPL metadata version number tag."));
+                       break;
+               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::MISSING_EXTENSION_METADATA:
+                       add(i, _("The CPL %n has no CPL extension metadata tag."));
+                       break;
+               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::INVALID_EXTENSION_METADATA:
+                       add(i, _("The CPL %f has an invalid CPL extension metadata tag (%n)"));
+                       break;
+               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::UNSIGNED_CPL_WITH_ENCRYPTED_CONTENT:
+                       add(i, _("The CPL %n has encrypted content but is not signed."));
+                       break;
+               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::UNSIGNED_PKL_WITH_ENCRYPTED_CONTENT:
+                       add(i, _("The PKL %n has encrypted content but is not signed."));
+                       break;
+               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::MISMATCHED_PKL_ANNOTATION_TEXT_WITH_CPL:
+                       add(i, _("The PKL %n has an <AnnotationText> which does not match its CPL's <ContentTitleText>."));
+                       break;
+               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::PARTIALLY_ENCRYPTED:
+                       add(i, _("The DCP has encrypted content, but not all its assets are encrypted."));
+                       break;
+               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::INVALID_JPEG2000_CODESTREAM:
+                       add(i, _("A picture frame has an invalid JPEG2000 codestream (%n)"));
+                       break;
+               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::INVALID_JPEG2000_GUARD_BITS_FOR_2K:
+                       add(i, _("A 2K JPEG2000 frame has %n guard bits instead of 1."));
+                       break;
+               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::INVALID_JPEG2000_GUARD_BITS_FOR_4K:
+                       add(i, _("A 4K JPEG2000 frame has %n guard bits instead of 2."));
+                       break;
+               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::INVALID_JPEG2000_TILE_SIZE:
+                       add(i, _("A JPEG2000 tile size does not match the image size."));
+                       break;
+               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::INVALID_JPEG2000_CODE_BLOCK_WIDTH:
+                       add(i, _("A JPEG2000 frame has a code-block width of %n instead of 32."));
+                       break;
+               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::INVALID_JPEG2000_CODE_BLOCK_HEIGHT:
+                       add(i, _("A JPEG2000 frame has a code-block height of %n instead of 32."));
+                       break;
+               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::INCORRECT_JPEG2000_POC_MARKER_COUNT_FOR_2K:
+                       add(i, _("A 2K JPEG2000 frame has %n POC marker(s) instead of 0."));
+                       break;
+               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::INCORRECT_JPEG2000_POC_MARKER_COUNT_FOR_4K:
+                       add(i, _("A 4K JPEG2000 frame has %n POC marker(s) instead of 1."));
+                       break;
+               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::INCORRECT_JPEG2000_POC_MARKER:
+                       add(i, _("A JPEG2000 frame contains an invalid POC marker (%n)."));
+                       break;
+               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::INVALID_JPEG2000_POC_MARKER_LOCATION:
+                       add(i, _("A JPEG2000 frame contains POC marker in an invalid location."));
+                       break;
+               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::INVALID_JPEG2000_TILE_PARTS_FOR_2K:
+                       add(i, _("A 2K JPEG2000 frame contains %n tile parts instead of 3."));
+                       break;
+               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::INVALID_JPEG2000_TILE_PARTS_FOR_4K:
+                       add(i, _("A 4K JPEG2000 frame contains %n tile parts instead of 6."));
+                       break;
+               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::MISSING_JPEG200_TLM_MARKER:
+                       add(i, _("A JPEG2000 frame has no TLM marker."));
+                       break;
+               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::SUBTITLE_OVERLAPS_REEL_BOUNDARY:
+                       add(i, _("A subtitle lasts longer than the reel it is in."));
+                       break;
+               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::MISMATCHED_TIMED_TEXT_RESOURCE_ID:
+                       add(i, _("The Resource ID in a timed text MXF did not match the ID of the contained XML."));
+                       break;
+               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::INCORRECT_TIMED_TEXT_ASSET_ID:
+                       add(i, _("The Asset ID in a timed text MXF is the same as the Resource ID or that of the contained XML."));
+                       break;
+               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::MISMATCHED_TIMED_TEXT_DURATION:
+               {
+                       vector<string> parts;
+                       boost::split(parts, i.note().get(), boost::is_any_of(" "));
+                       add(i, wxString::Format(_("The reel duration (%s) of some timed text is not the same as the ContainerDuration (%s) of its MXF."), std_to_wx(parts[0]), std_to_wx(parts[1])));
+                       break;
+               }
+               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::MISSED_CHECK_OF_ENCRYPTED:
+                       add(i, _("Part of the DCP could not be checked because no KDM was available."));
+                       break;
+               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::EMPTY_TEXT:
+                       add(i, _("At least one <Text> node in a subtitle or closed caption is empty."));
+                       break;
+               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::MISMATCHED_CLOSED_CAPTION_VALIGN:
+                       add(i, _("Some closed <Text> or <Image> nodes have different vertical alignments within a <Subtitle>."));
+                       break;
+               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::INCORRECT_CLOSED_CAPTION_ORDERING:
+                       add(i, _("Some closed captions are not listed in the order of their vertical position."));
+                       break;
+               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::UNEXPECTED_ENTRY_POINT:
+                       add(i, _("There is a <EntryPoint> tag inside a <MainMarkers>."));
+                       break;
+               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::UNEXPECTED_DURATION:
+                       add(i, _("There is a <Duration> tag inside a <MainMarkers>."));
+                       break;
+               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::INVALID_CONTENT_KIND:
+                       add(i, _("An invalid <ContentKind> %n has been used."));
+                       break;
+               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::INVALID_MAIN_PICTURE_ACTIVE_AREA:
+                       add(i, _("The <MainPictureActiveArea> is either not a multiple of 2, or is bigger than an asset."));
+                       break;
+               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::DUPLICATE_ASSET_ID_IN_PKL:
+                       add(i, _("The PKL %n has more than one asset with the same ID."));
+                       break;
+               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::DUPLICATE_ASSET_ID_IN_ASSETMAP:
+                       add(i, _("The ASSETMAP %n has more than one asset with the same ID."));
+                       break;
+               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::MISSING_SUBTITLE:
+                       add(i, _("The subtitle asset %n contains no subtitles."));
+                       break;
+               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::INVALID_SUBTITLE_ISSUE_DATE:
+                       add(i, _("<IssueDate> has an invalid value %n"));
+                       break;
+               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::MISMATCHED_SOUND_CHANNEL_COUNTS:
+                       add(i, _("Sound assets do not all have the same channel count."));
+                       break;
+               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::INVALID_MAIN_SOUND_CONFIGURATION:
+                       add(i, _("<MainSoundConfiguration> describes incorrect number of channels (%n)"));
+                       break;
+               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::MISSING_FONT:
+                       add(i, _("The font file for font ID \"%n\" was not found, or was not referred to in the ASSETMAP."));
+                       break;
+               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::INVALID_JPEG2000_TILE_PART_SIZE:
+                       add(i, _("Frame %frame has an image component that is too large (component %component is %size bytes in size)."));
+                       break;
+               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::INCORRECT_SUBTITLE_NAMESPACE_COUNT:
+                       add(i, _("The XML in the subtitle asset %n has more than one namespace declaration."));
+                       break;
+               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::MISSING_LOAD_FONT_FOR_FONT:
+                       add(i, _("A subtitle or closed caption refers to a font with ID %id that does not have a corresponding <LoadFont> node."));
+                       break;
+               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::MISSING_LOAD_FONT:
+                       add(i, _("The SMPTE subtitle asset %id has <Text> nodes but no <LoadFont> node"));
+                       break;
+               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::MISMATCHED_ASSET_MAP_ID:
+                       add(i, _("The asset with ID %id in the asset map actually has an id of %other_id"));
+                       break;
+               case dcp::VerificationNote::Code::EMPTY_CONTENT_VERSION_LABEL_TEXT:
+                       add(i, _("The <LabelText> in a <ContentVersion> in CPL %id is empty"));
+                       break;
+               }
+       }
+       wxString summary_text;
+       if (counts[dcp::VerificationNote::Type::ERROR] == 1) {
+               /// TRANSLATORS: this will be used at the start of a string like "1 error, 2 Bv2.1 errors and 3 warnings."
+               summary_text = _("1 error, ");
+       } else {
+               /// TRANSLATORS: this will be used at the start of a string like "1 error, 2 Bv2.1 errors and 3 warnings."
+               summary_text = wxString::Format("%d errors, ", counts[dcp::VerificationNote::Type::ERROR]);
+       }
+       if (counts[dcp::VerificationNote::Type::BV21_ERROR] == 1) {
+               /// TRANSLATORS: this will be used in the middle of a string like "1 error, 2 Bv2.1 errors and 3 warnings."
+               summary_text += _("1 Bv2.1 error, ");
+       } else {
+               /// TRANSLATORS: this will be used in the middle of a string like "1 error, 2 Bv2.1 errors and 3 warnings."
+               summary_text += wxString::Format("%d Bv2.1 errors, ", counts[dcp::VerificationNote::Type::BV21_ERROR]);
+       }
+       if (counts[dcp::VerificationNote::Type::WARNING] == 1) {
+               /// TRANSLATORS: this will be used at the end of a string like "1 error, 2 Bv2.1 errors and 3 warnings."
+               summary_text += _("and 1 warning.");
+       } else {
+               /// TRANSLATORS: this will be used at the end of a string like "1 error, 2 Bv2.1 errors and 3 warnings."
+               summary_text += wxString::Format("and %d warnings.", counts[dcp::VerificationNote::Type::WARNING]);
+       }
+       summary->SetLabel(summary_text);
+       if (counts[dcp::VerificationNote::Type::ERROR] == 0) {
+               add_bullet(dcp::VerificationNote::Type::ERROR, _("No errors found."));
+       }
+       if (counts[dcp::VerificationNote::Type::BV21_ERROR] == 0) {
+               add_bullet(dcp::VerificationNote::Type::BV21_ERROR, _("No SMPTE Bv2.1 errors found."));
+       }
+       if (counts[dcp::VerificationNote::Type::WARNING] == 0) {
+               add_bullet(dcp::VerificationNote::Type::WARNING, _("No warnings found."));
+       }
diff --git a/src/wx/verify_dcp_result_panel.h b/src/wx/verify_dcp_result_panel.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..7fd7a91
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+    Copyright (C) 2018 Carl Hetherington <cth@carlh.net>
+    This file is part of DCP-o-matic.
+    DCP-o-matic is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+    (at your option) any later version.
+    DCP-o-matic is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+    GNU General Public License for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with DCP-o-matic.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#include <wx/wx.h>
+#include <memory>
+class VerifyDCPJob;
+class VerifyDCPResultPanel : public wxPanel
+       VerifyDCPResultPanel(wxWindow* parent, std::shared_ptr<VerifyDCPJob> job);
index f50aad4bff87d4171e68bc6452488c391e3436cb..eecc314a03e312047b1eab051ae7457fcaa1f628 100644 (file)
@@ -179,7 +179,9 @@ sources = """
+          verify_dcp_result_panel.cc
+          verify_dcp_progress_panel.cc